Sunday, November 18, 2012

(An old post that was moved around)

The living situation in France brings a whole new meaning to the world "small". Obviously people are smaller in both size and stature here, and their definition of "personal space" is completely opposite of mine, but come on!! 140 CM for 2 people!! Basically this is the size of an American twin/double. I told my husband he better stop making extra trips to the bakery or we are going to have to get an extend-a-bed to fit him!!

I am still trying to imagine how anybody over 170 pounds fits in these french tubs. If you have wide hips, forget it. I am sure the pompiers* have been called on more than one occasion to yank someone out of the tub. I do like the fact the toilet area is separate from the "douche"room, however, being the claustrophobic I am, having the toilet in a space the size of a closet just doesn't go over real well with me. Even when you are there for just a bit, there is no ventilation, thereby causing one to continuously keel over from the sheer odor. I am sure my whole family will be diagnosed with some form of rare cancer from all the "odeur de maladie spray"** we use every time we exit the "closet".


**air freshner

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